Mengapa Kita Tak Nampak Tuhan?

Kadang2 ada masalah madu' yg membayangkan bagaimana bentuk Tuhan. Bila kita cakap kita tak nampak angin kita tak nampak elektrik. Ada yang membayangkan Tuhan itu seperti energy... Itu feedback yg akak dapat ☹️☹️Jadi kali ni akak tukar cara nak bagi tahu mengapa kita tak nampak Allah😊Boleh komen kalau ada yg boleh perbaiki
Why we cannot see God?🤔
May i know do you married? 😊
What about partner ? 😀
🤔🤔🤔 mmmm yes
So now you are here how do you know that he is faithful to you?😊 some people use hidden cctv, hidden apps spying locator😊. Why... because you want to know whether your partner is sincere loving you or not...
God All Seeing and All Knowing. He even know whats is in your heart😍 We are here on earth as test from God. Thats why we cannot see God. But if you are the chosen one, you can see God in paradise😊. There you can see God as if you can see the bright moon on earth. 😊 Remember whatever you are... you are being watched and everything is recorded😄
to be continue😊
