Bedebat dengan Kristian Yang Alim

I dont understand trinity (myself)🤔
*Its like I am the father, I am also a son to my father, I am the brother of the father😊
*Ok.. i can understand what you said, we can be many selves. Like I can be the mother, the sister, a daugther😊But if I bring my son now, I cannot say my son is me! people think I am crazy😂 my son and I is totally different entity.
*No! you dont really understand😅
God and the creation of God is totally different.😐
*Yes, you see in Islam is so simple and logic. God is one and He is the creator of all entire universe
Because we are borned with sinned that cause from Adam. Adam supposed to obey God, we shall be in the heaven, because of him, all son of Adam is sinned so Jesus came as so of God to sacrifice his son so we can have relationship with God.😊
*God sacrifice his son? You mean Jesus is God and God sacrifice himself?🤔 Since Jesus is son of God and Jesus is God. So why confuse people saying son of God? Just said God Jesus sacrifice himself as God for himself to the human. 🤔
Do you believe Jesus was crucified?😊
He died?
Your God dead?🤔
No. He is eternal, after 3 days he woke up from grave and alive again.😊
Do you have proof in bible?🤔 Because i also read bible but i dont find such things that Jesus alive 3 days after death.
Yes. It was mentioned by the followers of Jesus, that he met Jesus again.😊
But who wrote the bible? if it is his followers, but not Jesus own words☹️

(He repeat again regarding salvation)
You know why God created us because He need a relationship with human.
You mean God need relationship? He is God! God do not anything and depend to anything in Islam.
Oh! God want to have relationship with us. (he corrected the wording)
Ok I understand that. Yes, we need relationship with God actually.....

Sumbangkan untuk aktiviti-aktivit dakwah supaya lebih ramai umat Nabi Muhamad s.a.w. Percayalah dengan jalan dakwah pada non muslim, semua orang akan dapat keberkatan dan orang kafir yang benci Islam akan berkurang dan kita sama-sama dapat nikmat. Berdakwah itu adalah wajib, kita tak mampu lakukan dengan sumbangan. 
