Dia berjalan keseorangan seperti memikirkan sesuatu dalam hidup. Kak Rahmah secara berselamba, berikan dia pamplet mandarin padanya. Kemudian dia balas dalam bahasa inggeris, tak sangka dia fasih.
Hello, you are from China? π
We are just want to share about God and religion. I understand the your government do not allowed religion, but its just for sharing, You can read while you are here. π
Our government not allowed any religion.
You want to know why? Because religion is the biggest threat of China. You see China want to be the no 1 world leader. So, thats why religion can bring threat to China. How many population in China? π
About 1.4 billion
Ok, you see Islam around the world is about 1.9-2 billion and it is the fasting growing religion in the world. π Actually it is the biggest threat to the high rank leader. They want to sustain their power. Islam is actually peace religion, encourage equality, love and brotherhood among muslim. It can bring justice and giving the right to the poor, the widow, children from exploitation. There is nothing to be afraid ofπ
I see. ☺️☺️
Kemudian Kak Rahmah terangkan konsep ketuhanan dan tujuan hidup kita di dunia. adalah untuk mengenal Allah dan beribadah.
Dunia ini bakal musnah, global warning, kemarau dan musibah alam terjadi di mana2. Kak Rahmah masukkan bukti sain alam ini ada pengalhirnya dan dia bertambah percaya.
You see, what is the different between you and animal? You eat, you hunting for money, food, shelter, animal also have family love. Sometime we work more than the animal hahaha.
Yes! we are working like PIGππ
Kak Rahmah actually ketawa ππbilamana dia kata, dia hidup dan bekerja seperti babi. Tapi bilamana melihat wajahnya yang serius, kak Rahmah berhenti ketawa. π’Mungkin inilah yang selalu bermain di fikirkannya. Dia sudah lama bekerja dan tidak pasti apa tujuan hidupnya selama ini. Dia bekerja sebagai mekanikal engineer, mungkin dia dah penat sangat bekerja sehingga sekarang wajah dia nampak serius. π
---------------------------------- dipendekkkan......
Setelah Kak Rahmah terangkan konsep tawheed, sifat2 Allah dan tujuan Allah datangkan para nabi, dia mulai faham. Dan dia bershahadah sebanyak 2 kali. Pertama dengan Kak Khawlah Al Rahmah kemudian kali ke dua berdepan dengan saksi Ariff K. Tujuannya adalah untuk menguatkan lagi akidahnya.
Kemudian dia bertanya.....
What should i do next? π
Next is you should learn to pray slowly and communicate to Allah.
But... i cannot do this, because hard in China. π
Its ok brother, you can take you time, most of the new converts takes many years to learn and understand.
Bro Ariff K berkata.
When you enter Islam, is like you entering the kindergarden, you learn slowly, then you go to primary school, then secondary school. Just take your time to learn slowly.
Thank you for this opportunity and I will learn ,from now.
Alhamdulillah begitulah perbualan bagaimana kita boleh mengajak orang pada Islam. Perbualan ini banyak yang dipendekkan
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