kedatangannya warga emas mat salleh ini disambut oleh Zatil Zulkifli setelah diberikan pamplet Islam dia berhenti mungkin dia berminat tetang Islam. Kak Rahmah hanya mendengar dari jauh. Dia kata dia dah travel merata dunia, dia negara-negara Islam. dan pernah melawat Palestine, Dome of Rock tempat Israk dan Mikraj. π
Bilamana sudah tak ada soalan dari Zatil, kak Rahmah mencelah. π
Do you believe prophet Muhamad is the messenger of God? π
Yes, I do believe!π
Wow! that made you a muslim π---- kata Zatil
Do you believe Jesus is the son of God or prophet or God himself? π
Yes, I believe that Jesus is son of God, God of the flesh and God.π
Oh! you are with the Church of England? Because what you believeπ
Yes! actually I am originally from Scotland, yes i do follow Church of England.π
Do you believe prophet Muhamad is the messenger of God? π
Yes, I do believe!π
Wow! that made you a muslim π---- kata Zatil
Do you believe Jesus is the son of God or prophet or God himself? π
Yes, I believe that Jesus is son of God, God of the flesh and God.π
Oh! you are with the Church of England? Because what you believeπ
Yes! actually I am originally from Scotland, yes i do follow Church of England.π
Akak menerangkan tentang konsep tawheed, Sifat-sifat Allah dan kesamaan nama Allah dalam bahasa Abrahamic bahasa yahudi kuno yang menjadi kebiasaan org nasrani dan yahudi. Dia faham dan menerimannya. πΆ
Kemudian kak Rahmah menerangkan apa tujuan kehidupan dan apa tugas kita sebagai manusia yang diciptakan Allah adalah untuk menyembah dan mengenal Allah. Dia juga setuju.
Kemudian diterangkan tentang tugas para nabi dan mengapa Allah datangkan ramai nabi dan berbagai kitab mengikut zaman. Dia juga setujuπ
Pegangan dia dengan konsep trinity agak kuat, lama kelamaan ia menjadi lemah dan semakin lemah bilamana satu persatu hujah dari Al Quran diterangkan. π
Kemudian kak rahmah bertanya kembali.
So, sir, do you believe in One God? π
I Christian and I believe as church of England. π
But, .....deep in your heart, you know what is right and what is wrong. You just put aside from where you born, and origin. I just want you to be honest to yourself. π
If I put aside, Yes! actually I believe in 1 God. π
Yes! thats is very true, we cannot lie to ourselves. You see, when the day of judgement we will all line up and God will ask us one by one and He will ask you
"Do you believe in me? I am One!"
"Yes! I believe in One God!"
Alhamdulillah sir, and me and Zatil will be your witness to what your confession.
I Christian and I believe as church of England. π
But, .....deep in your heart, you know what is right and what is wrong. You just put aside from where you born, and origin. I just want you to be honest to yourself. π
If I put aside, Yes! actually I believe in 1 God. π
Yes! thats is very true, we cannot lie to ourselves. You see, when the day of judgement we will all line up and God will ask us one by one and He will ask you
"Do you believe in me? I am One!"
"Yes! I believe in One God!"
Alhamdulillah sir, and me and Zatil will be your witness to what your confession.
Now, you just need to follow what I said, its a confession to Allah, you are actually talking to Allah and we are just the witness. Say it from your heart. You want? π
Yes. π
Ok. Just follow what I said. π
Yes. π
Ok. Just follow what I said. π
Dia pun mengucap syahadah buat kali pertama dan kemudian di ulang sebanyak 3 kali. Dia kata di rumah dia sudah ada Al Quran, Dia kata, badannya rasa ringan dan bertenaga bila dia mengucap syahadah. Kak Rahmah terangkan itulah mukjizat syahadah dan Allah berikan dia tenaga untuk beribadah dan kembali pada Nya. π
Remember, when you enter Islam, you cannot take pork, alcohol. Please dont do homosexual, adultry, fornication, You have to do it step by step. God will understand you. This may be the last time we met, If this is the last time we shall me again in the Day of Judgement. Remember what i told you to perform prayers and learn as much as you can.
Dia menganguk, kemudian, dia rasakan dia perlu pergi. Dan dia mengambil pamplet tentang Islam dan semoga dia Istiqomah dalam Islam. π
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