Dia tak Percaya pada Islam, Kristian, Walaupun Ibunya Muslim

Hello where are you from? 😊
Do you mind sharing about your faith? 😊
I am Christian. But my mother is Muslim. 😕
Now is she still muslim? 🤔
Yes, but in Russia we dont practice religion much. I know what you want to say, but I dont believe in Islam. I've been to the mosque and I feel nothing, its not for me. 😕
Ok. Do you ever think what is happen when you die? 😊
Errr.... I dont know not really interested to know
Ok...do you believe that your soul will never dies? You see, our soul is part of the energy and you know that every energy will never destroyed. Its in science. You should know where are you going.
Ok... I believe in doing good. 😊
But do you believe in Jesus as Son of God?
No, I dont believe god is human, but I believe there is God, but I dont want to think much. 😊
You should!!! its your future. What if you dies and you dont know where are you going. 😣 You dont believe that we will be alive back after death?
No, I dont believe in such ....😏
Ok, you can try going to empty house or grave during the middle of the night and insha Allah, God will show you there are dead soul and invisible creatures. 🙂
Oh! if there is dead soul, i can join with other soul. ....😆
Kak Rahmah memberitahu bagaimana situasi keadaan orang yang tak beriman dalam kubur, di dalam surah Yaasin ada disebutkan tentang mereka yang tidak beriman tidak akan dapat berhubung dengan sesiapapun di depan dan belakang ada halangan dan mereka hidup dlm kesedihan.
You see, God can take away any soul by just one lightening that can strike to anyone, and nobody can save you. 😥
Dia nampak tergamam, dan dia mulai cuba memahami apa yang kak Rahmah ingin sampaikan.
Ok! I will read these. 😊
Take another... (tambah Murni Dawati Mahmood ) kami sempat bagi dia beberapa pamplet supaya dia banyak membaca tentang Islam.
Selepas itu dia jalan dengan pantas dan memasuki di bawah jambatan.
Eh! mengapa dia masuk bawah jambatan? tanya Maksu
Entahlah ... agaknya dia nak baca pamplet tu .. tak nak kita nampak agaknya. hehehe 😀
(Insha Allah moga Allah pilih dia sebagai Islam)


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