Hello welcome π
Hello welcome π
Dia datang seorang diri sebagai pelancong biasa tapi ada satu soalan yg tidak pernah lagi ditanya di kalangan non muslimπ
Mungkin baru saja yg dia alami tentang bencana alam angin typhoon yg memusnahkan ratusan ribu rumahπ’.
Mungkin baru saja yg dia alami tentang bencana alam angin typhoon yg memusnahkan ratusan ribu rumahπ’.
Setelah Khawlah Al Rahmah terangkan pasal islam, tujuan hidup dan iman, dia mulai berminat dan dia tanya lagi...
I want to know why God send disaster in Japan?π
I can give you the answer... I also have thought about this and and ask God why... this is only personal answer...
I can give you the answer... I also have thought about this and and ask God why... this is only personal answer...
Many people in Japan do not believe in God the one who is the Creator and Sustainer of the entire universeπ
God say, If you remember me, I will remember you.
If you forget me, I will be away from youπ’
πI remember verse in Quran.
You see many majority people in Japan do not believe in God. God say if you forget me I will also forget youπ’ If you come to be walking I come to you runningπ. We need to believe God is exist and He is the One can help.
God say, If you remember me, I will remember you.
If you forget me, I will be away from youπ’
πI remember verse in Quran.
You see many majority people in Japan do not believe in God. God say if you forget me I will also forget youπ’ If you come to be walking I come to you runningπ. We need to believe God is exist and He is the One can help.
You say because it because we dont believe Godπ?
Its my personal opinion yes. Only God knows. God say if He love His slaves He will give all this worldly life to his loves one. But this world is means nothing as compare to paradiseπ So muslim are taught not to love this worldπ.
But still God will protect the believers in this world and give them anything what they wantπ
Its my personal opinion yes. Only God knows. God say if He love His slaves He will give all this worldly life to his loves one. But this world is means nothing as compare to paradiseπ So muslim are taught not to love this worldπ.
But still God will protect the believers in this world and give them anything what they wantπ
Dan apa saja musibah yang menimpa kamu, maka adalah disebabkan oleh perbuatan tangan kamu sendiri, dan Allah memaafkan sebagian besar dari dosa-dosamu,” (QS. As Syura: 30)
“Mereka mengetahui nikmat-nikmat Allah, (tetapi) kemudian mereka meningkarinya dan kebanyakan mereka adalah orang-orang yang kafir,” (QS. An Nahl: 83)
Sungguh dahsyat dosa mengingkari nikmat yang diberikan Allah, padahal segala hal yang ada dalam hidup kita merupakan kurniaNya, tapi kita menyatakan nikmat tersebut sebagai hasil dari kecerdasan kita sendiri, atau hasil dari usaha keras yang kita lakukan. Maka tak heran jika Allah menimpakan bencana pada orang-orang yang kufur nikmat seperti ini.
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